Saturday, July 30, 2011

Mountain Top is finished

I quilted the Mountain Top top and now it is a quilt. I decided since it was a very traditional style quilt with lots of right angles going on it needed some softening. That calls for the Baptist Fans.

I think the fan quilting lends a good contrast to the piecing.

I finished this just in time for the cool weather. Oh! Wait! It is July and there is no cool weather. I guess I will have to wait till Nov before I use this. Well I am just keeping ahead of the game.

Bonus: Six yards of backing out the door.


  1. I love this pattern. There would certainly be alooooot of HST to make in that quilt, but the end result is always worth the work. Love the quilting also. Baptist fans are the best for traditional pieced quilts. Classics

  2. That's such a beautiful quilt -- I love the fans!
